All commissioned films

Any Waste Any Time (for clip see elsewhere on this site) (2010)

Boksdocs in opdracht van Havenbedrijf Rotterdam

Erik van Erne about the film: “Marine litter has become an increasingly serious environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problem around the world. It is found everywhere in the marine and coastal environment. An estimated 46.000 pieces of mainly plastic litter are now believed to be floating on every square mile of the ocean. Marine […]

Master Sociology and Social Research Utrecht University (2012)

Untrecht University

Film made for the master Sociology and Social Research SaSR, Utrecht University website: Camera Chris Blokhuis, Director Karin Schagen  

One Europe (September 2010)

University of Amsterdam

Film made for the University of Amsterdam, showed at the start of the new academic year (2010) Camera: Chris Blokhuis, Geluid: Bouwe Mulder, Regie: Karin Schagen

New chemistry (november 2010)

SLO New chemistry

I made this film about the New Chemistry with Mike Warmels. It was very low budget with a small camera.

promo arithmetic 1 (2012)


This short clip was meant to get people to participate in a test. We especially wanted to reach people who are not that good in arithmetic. So we didn’t want to scare them off. Hence the happy tone. This was the basic layer of music. If you want to hear it with voice over (in […]

Promo aritmetic 2 (2012)


This is the same little film, now with voice over in Dutch. editor Jos Verduyn-Lunel

Any Waste, Any Time (clip) (2010)

voor Boksdocs in opdracht van Port of Rotterdam Authority

Any Waste, Any Time. Dat was een fantastisch project om te doen en ik heb er veel van geleerd. Ik schrok van de hoeveelheid rotzooi die wij vonden op een prachtig strand dat er niet eens zo smerig uitzag. En ik schrok nog meer van de maaginhoud van een stormvogel: één blok paraffine. Een mooi […]